
Session Charges

The Governing Body at Walmley Infant School and Walmley Junior School have reviewed the costs of running the Earlybirds before and after school provision. As from 1st September 2020 the fees will be as follows:

Before School (7:30 to 8:45am)Standard fee of £5.00 per session
After School (end of school to 5.30pm)Standard fee charged at £4.50 per hour (or part thereof)

Payment of Fees

Your bill will be emailed a month in arrears on the last day of the month, payable by return. If your bill is outstanding after one week, a £10 administration charge will be applied. If it is still outstanding after two weeks, your child’s place may be withdrawn until the account is brought up to date.


Parents are required to book sessions one month in advance, during the last week of the current month.

Please contact the school office or email Earlybirds Club for more information and for a copy of the Earlybirds Handbook and Parent Contract.

Email: earlybirds@walmley-jun.bham.sch.uk

Earlybirds Office Tel: 0121 351 6831


Useful Links


Outstanding Ofsted
Artsmark Silver Award
Sportsmark Gold Award
Rights Respecting Silver Award
Eco Green Flag Award
Gold Award
Primary Science Quality Mark