Role | Name | Leadership Responsibilities |
Headteacher | Lisa Naughton | Deputy DSL, Standards and Assessment, Teaching and Learning, SIP/SEF, Health and Safety, Performance Management, Governor, First Aider |
Assistant Headteacher | Karen Conway | Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) and Inclusion Lead, , KS1/2 transition, Senior Mental Health Lead, First Aider, Lower School Phase Lead |
Assistant Headteacher | Holly Cooney | Creative Curriculum Lead, KS2/3 transition, Upper School Phase Lead, Attendance Lead |
Teacher Y6.12 | James Taylor | School Improvement Leader (TLR) Reading and Enrichment, P.E. |
Teacher Y6.11 | Jack Orton | Website Management, Online Safety and Infrastructure |
Teacher Y6.10 | Jade Tonks | Art, Teacher Governor, School Improvement Leader (TLR) Mathematics |
Teacher Y5.9 | Elena Cadman Lynn Rudge | English R.E. |
Teacher Y5.8 | Josie Bolger (Mon – Thurs) | PSHE Lead |
Teacher Y5.7 | Alex Hurley | |
Teacher Y4.6 | Claire Lewis | Geography Lead |
Teacher Y4.5 | Jessica Munro | Design Technology, Displays |
Teacher Y4.4 | Olivia Payne | |
Teacher Y3.3 | Clare Baker | School Improvement Leader (TLR), History, Science |
Teacher Y3.2 | Emma Pearson | Rights Respecting |
Teacher Y3.1 | Samantha Drinkhall | Computing (Curriculum), University Trainees |
Other teachers: | Harlie Marriott | Y5 am, School Improvement Leader (TLR) Phonics and Early Reading |
Part time teacher (Monday & Friday) | Alyson Hunt | P.E. |
Part time teacher (Wednesday & Thursday) | Megan Smith | Music Teacher |
Part time teacher (Wednesday & Thursday) | Jennifer Rendell | Eco Council, Essential Skills |
Teaching Assistant | Marion Kibbler | First Aider |
Teaching Assistant | Maxine Osborne | ASC Lead Practitioner |
Teaching Assistant | Sue Hobbs | First Aider |
Teaching Assistant | Julie Hemming | ASC Lead Practitioner, First Aider |
Teaching Assistant | Maria Williams | First Aider |
Teaching Assistant | Sharon Hicks | Pastoral support, First Aider |
Teaching Assistant | Lorraine Cronin | Speech and Language Specialist |
Teaching Assistant | Samantha Reeves | 1:1 support (Y6) |
Teaching Assistant | Cherelle Gordon | 1:1 support (Y6) |
Teaching Assistant | Okkes Alici | 1:1 support (Y4) |
Building Site Supervisor | Phil Collis | |
Bursar | Marie Perrins | |
Finance Clerical Officer | Emma Parker | |
School Administrator | Anna Williams |
Financial Information
The Department for Education state what schools must publish online. Please see below for required employee salary information:
Number | |
School employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. | 0 |