Online Safety

Welcome to our Online Safety page linking you to valuable information for parents. Online Safety covers a lot of areas and is constantly evolving which is why it is vitally important that parents stay vigilant and well-informed. This page contains some links below to help you with all aspects of staying safe online.

Our Online Safety Council!

Online Safety in School

At Walmley Junior School, we take online safety very seriously and all year groups learn about a variety of different topics each half term. In addition to this, each year group will share a class assembly giving them an opportunity to discuss online safety issues that arise.

Celebrating Safer Internet Day!
Our online pledges

We are proud to have our very own Online Safety Council. These children regularly meet with the online safety lead to discuss current issues. They also deliver messages in assembly as well as thinking of their own tips for the children to help them stay safe online.

S for SAFE

M for MEET

Online Safety Guides

Internet Safety

Gaming Guides

App and Mobile Phone Guides


Useful Links


Outstanding Ofsted
Artsmark Silver Award
Sportsmark Gold Award
Rights Respecting Silver Award
Eco Green Flag Award
Gold Award
Primary Science Quality Mark