A Governor’s Role

Frequently asked questions about becoming a school governor.

What are the main duties of a School Governor?

The main responsibilities and duties of a Governor include:

  • Promoting high standards of educational achievement
  • Setting appropriate targets for pupil achievement at Key Stage 2
  • Taking general responsibility for the conduct and strategic direction of the school
  • Managing the school’s budget
  • Making sure that the curriculum is balanced and in line with the National Curriculum, and reporting on National Curriculum assessments and examination results
  • Determining the staff complement and pay policy for the school
  • Participating in the appointment of the Head and Deputy Head teacher and other staff and regulating staff conduct and discipline
  • Drawing up an action plan after an inspection

How much time does a School Governor have to devote to the role?

This is basically at your discretion. The following is a typical annual timetable:

  • The Governing body meets twice a term. These meetings take on average about 2.5 hours
  • The sub-committees/working parties meet twice a term and meetings last approximately 1.5 hours. Governors usually become active on 2 sub-committees / working parties.
  • There may be other projects which you may choose to become involved in
  • As a Governor you will be invited into the school productions and for open days
  • There will be a small amount of preparatory reading prior to meetings

How is the Governing Body made up?

At Walmley Junior School, we currently have Governors made up of staff, parents, LEA, Foundation and co-opted governors.

Why are there different types of Governors?

The composition of governing bodies depends on the number and age range of pupils at the school and is based on DFEE recommendations. The variety of Governor roles is there to involve a cross-section of the local community into the school’s activities. The different categories of Governor are as follows;-

Parent Governors

These Governors are elected by parents of pupils on the school roll and must be parents of pupils attending the school at the point of election.

LEA Appointed Governors

Representatives of the major political parties.

Staff Governors

Staff Governors are non-teaching employees at the school.

Co-Opted Governors

Co-Opted Governors are people from the local community who wish to work with the school. They are elected by the Governing Body.

Foundation Governors

Foundation Governors are appointed by the Foundation, in our case the Four Oaks Learning Trust for Excellence.

How long is a Governor’s term of office?

4 years

Can you stand for re-election?


What do the sub-committees / working parties do?

In order to make the work-load manageable, the Governing body appoints sub-committees or working parties to specialise in specific key areas. Recommendations and decisions made at this level are fed into the main Governing body for ratification.

The sub-committees / working parties at Walmley Junior School are:


Responsible for the budget and financial management of the school and for maintaining the fabric of the building. Also, this focuses on the school’s assets and grounds.

Standards, Curriculum and Pupil Wellbeing

Ensures that current best practice in terms of the National Curriculum coverage and high-teaching is in place; review and evaluate standards across the school as well as review our Curriculum Offer to ensure pupils have the best provision possible.

Do Governors receive training?

Governors are encouraged to undertake relevant training.  There is a budget to cover costs.  Most training is conducted locally.


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Outstanding Ofsted
Artsmark Silver Award
Sportsmark Gold Award
Rights Respecting Silver Award
Eco Green Flag Award
Gold Award
Primary Science Quality Mark