Year 6

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What do we learn?

Fantastic fairground rides created in D.T.

In Year 6, we have many opportunities to bring our learning to life and to develop a variety of different life skills. In Food Technology, we learn about many different cutting, peeling and slicing techniques, as well as understanding how to correctly handle raw meat. We look in greater depth at what life was like in Britain during World War 2. This allows us to experience life in an Anderson Shelter, create our own propaganda posters, follow war time recipes and celebrate with our own street party at the end of the topic. Throughout the year, we study The World’s Biomes, why we have different times zones and use map co-ordinates to navigate. Our Science topics, provide us with many exciting opportunities to explore the human body, how evolution has occurred over millions of years and create our own functioning electrical circuits. The skills learnt in Science are transferred to support our Fairground topic in Design Technology, where we plan, create and evaluate our own moving fairground rides. Our Writing lessons are strongly linked to our class reading book, and explore a range of different genres from form newspaper writing to descriptions of imaginary worlds to recalling events in the style of a memoir.

Making memories in France

Exciting Trips!

Year 6 visiting the sites of London!

The final year at Walmley Junior School offers many exciting and inspiring opportunities. We begin the year with a fantastic five-day residential to Le Touquet, France. This trip enables the children to apply many of the French phrases that they have learnt in school and to visit some of the World War 2 sites which supports our learning in History. Children are able to develop their independence skills and experience life in a different European country. Taking a day trip to London and visiting The Houses of Parliament, is an excellent experience and children are able to learn about British Values and democracy first hand – we have occasionally been able to see The Prime Minister in action. We enjoy learning about the many different cultures and in Year 6, we have a guided tour of The Birmingham Central Mosque which is a great way to gain an insight to the Islamic faith. We also work collaboratively with a number of local primary schools to facilitate a fun transition to secondary school day in Sutton Park. This provides all children with the opportunity to meet children that will be attending the same secondary school and even make some new friends.


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Outstanding Ofsted
Artsmark Silver Award
Sportsmark Gold Award
Rights Respecting Silver Award
Eco Green Flag Award
Gold Award
Primary Science Quality Mark