Year 3

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What do we learn?

Creating shadows in Science

In Year 3, we enjoy gaining knowledge, skills and understanding about a range of different topics. We study Light and Shadow in Science as well as Forces and Magnets, Rocks and Soils, Plants and Animals including Humans. Throughout the course of the year, we learn how to code algorithms, present information using PowerPoint and even create digital artwork in Computing, linking these to other topics including Art and R.E. In our History lessons we investigate the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age as well as The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We get to learn about our local area in Geography as we study both Walmley Village and the UK and get to compare where we live to the coast. In English, we study a range of genres including story writing, explanation texts and newspaper articles. We even use films to inspire our writing and link it to other areas of the curriculum, such as Art! Taking home our Rights Respecting Bear is a real treat for the children and they get to spend time with him whilst learning about their rights as a child.

Zip wiring at Woodlands!
Designing and creating photo frames in D.T.

Exciting Trips!

In Year 3, we have the opportunity to see a live theatre production which we link to our learning in English. In the Summer Term, we take part in a range of adventurous activities at Woodlands Adventure Centre, which is always great fun! The children enjoy doing an assault course, canoeing, archery and going on a zip wire across the lake. We also get to visit Walmley Village and visit St. John’s Church which links to both our Geography and R.E. learning.


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Outstanding Ofsted
Artsmark Silver Award
Sportsmark Gold Award
Rights Respecting Silver Award
Eco Green Flag Award
Gold Award
Primary Science Quality Mark