Contact Us

Please feel free to contact Mrs A Williams in the school office should you require any further information using the details below.

Walmley Junior School,
Walmley Ash Road,
Sutton Coldfield,
B76 1JB

School Office Tel: 0121 351 1346

Earlybirds Office Tel: 0121 351 6831


Mrs L Naughton

Assistant Headteachers

Mrs K Conway

Mrs H Cooney

Inclusion Leader (SENDCo)

Mrs K. Conway

Chair of Governing Body

Mrs. Patricia Colden (

If you would like a paper copy of any of the information from our website, please contact Mrs Williams in the School Office.


Useful Links


Outstanding Ofsted
Artsmark Silver Award
Sportsmark Gold Award
Rights Respecting Silver Award
Eco Green Flag Award
Gold Award
Primary Science Quality Mark