
The school admits 90 children into Year 3 each September. Places are given in the first instance to all children transferring from Walmley Infant School.

Parents should note that admission to Walmley Infant School will not result in automatic admission to Walmley Junior School for older siblings. The admission of older siblings will be dependent upon a place being available, if they are entitled under the admission criteria.

Where further applications for admission exceed the number of places within year groups, the following criteria will be applied to decide which children are admitted:

  1. Looked after children (in public care)
  2. Pupils transferring from Y2 already at Walmley Infant School.
  3. Children with siblings already at the school or still at Walmley Infant School (the Local Authority’s ‘Sibling’ definition has been adopted). Priority will only be given if siblings are still in attendance at the date of admission.
  4. Where there are medical grounds (supported by a Doctor’s Certificate).
  5. Proximity of the child’s home to the school measured by straight line distance (the Local Authority’s ‘Distance’ definition has been adopted). In cases of shared responsibility ‘the home’ will be determined as the address where the child lives the majority of the week. In cases where it is not possible to decide between applications i.e. where the address is the same (e.g. twins, blocks of flats), the local authority will use a computerised system to randomly select the child to be offered the final place. Proof of address to be provided.

Admission appeals are administered by Birmingham Local Authority


Phone number: 0121 303 1888



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Outstanding Ofsted
Artsmark Silver Award
Sportsmark Gold Award
Rights Respecting Silver Award
Eco Green Flag Award
Gold Award
Primary Science Quality Mark