
Year 3


Year 3 get their first taste of adventure on their day trip to Woodlands Adventure Camp. They ride the zipwire, canoe across the lake and get muddy on the assault course!

Theatre Visit

They take a visit to the theatre to see a live show based on one of their favourite books.

Year 4

Botanical Gardens

Year 4 explore the natural world on a visit to The Botanical Gardens as part of their Rainforests topic.

Coventry Cathedral

They explore the artwork and architecture at Coventry Cathedral.

Year 5

Whitemoor Lakes

Year 5 get their first taste of a residential trip with a 2 night stay at the wonderful Whitemoor Lakes in Staffordshire. Children get to take on challenges, such as abseiling down the tower, team problem solving and high ropes. Being away from home for a brief time encourages the children to develop their independence with the help of their friends and instructors. The trip is always concluded with a warm campfire and yummy hot chocolate!


They follow the course of the River Dove as part of their Rivers geography topic, learning about meanders, sources and erosion, whilst carrying out fieldwork.

Year 6

Proposed trip to London for 2024

An overnight experience to our capital city, taking in all the sights, as well as the Harry Potter Tour and a West End Show!


They learn how to keep themselves safe as part of their PSHE lessons and transition to secondary school.


Useful Links


Outstanding Ofsted
Artsmark Silver Award
Sportsmark Gold Award
Rights Respecting Silver Award
Eco Green Flag Award
Gold Award
Primary Science Quality Mark